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What is Microsoft Power Automate?

Written by Fusion Connect | Nov 3, 2023 7:00:00 AM

In the quest for operational excellence, automation stands as a beacon of efficiency. Microsoft Power Automate is at the helm, offering a robust platform to streamline workflows and supercharge productivity. But what is this tool, and how does it redefine the way we work?


The Evolution of Microsoft Power Automate

Microsoft Power Automate is not just about automating tasks; it's about transforming business processes. With the introduction of Power Automate Process Mining, the service now offers a way to identify inefficiencies and provides guided recommendations for automation, ensuring that your workflows are as efficient as possible.


AI and Automation: A Symbiotic Relationship

The integration of AI Builder and GPT within Power Automate has opened new avenues for intelligent automation. Embedding powerful language models into flows allows for the generation, summarization, and interpretation of text, enabling complex, low-code AI scenarios that can revolutionize business processes.


Power Automate and Microsoft Teams

Revolutionizing Telephony Systems

  • Enhancing Communication with Power Automate and Teams
    The integration of Microsoft Power Automate with Microsoft Teams is set to redefine corporate telephony systems. By leveraging the collaborative power of Teams and the automation capabilities of Power Automate, companies can create more responsive, efficient, and intelligent communication workflows.
  • Streamlining Telephony with Automated Workflows
    Power Automate can trigger workflows based on specific events in Teams. This means that routine tasks, like call logging, contact synchronization, and even complex event responses, could be automated to enhance the telephony experience.
  • Voice Services and Automation: A New Frontier
    The combination of voice and Calling Services for Microsoft Teams with Power Automate opens up possibilities for voice-enabled workflows. Automated attendants, voice-triggered tasks, and real-time data retrieval during calls are just a few examples of how telephony systems can be enhanced through automation.
  • The Future of Telephony in Business
    With Power Automate, telephony systems can become more than just a means of communication; they can transform into intelligent platforms that anticipate needs, provide real-time assistance, and streamline the caller experience, all while reducing the workload on human agents.


Automation Across Platforms

Whether on desktop, web, or mobile, Power Automate ensures that you can create, manage, and deploy workflows from anywhere. This cross-platform capability ensures that your automation solutions are always at your fingertips.


Connectors and Templates

The Building Blocks of Automation

With an extensive library of pre-built connectors and thousands of templates, Power Automate makes it simple to connect different applications and services, allowing for seamless automation across your digital ecosystem.


Real-World Impact and Industry Recognition

Success stories like Coca-Cola Bottling Company United showcase Power Automate's ability to streamline complex business processes. Moreover, accolades from Everest Group, Gartner, and GigaOm affirm Microsoft's leadership in the RPA space.


The Economic Advantage of Power Automate

A Forrester Consulting study highlights the significant economic impact of Power Automate, with a 140 percent ROI over three years and an $8.32 million net present value, underscoring the financial benefits of adopting Power Platform's premium capabilities.


Unifying Data with Connectors

The connectors library in Power Automate bridges hundreds of data sources, bringing together disparate data for a unified source of truth, while also providing insights and extending the capabilities of Microsoft 365, Dynamics 365, and Azure.



Expanding the Horizons of Automation

By integrating with Azure, Power Automate extends its reach, allowing for scalable cloud automation on Azure virtual machines and connecting to Azure data for comprehensive process modeling.


Is Power Automate included in a Microsoft 365 License?

Power Automate does not come included with a standard Microsoft license.
Power Automate offers separate per-user and per-bot plans.

For instance, the Power Automate Premium plan is priced at $15.00 per user per month (as of November 2023), which allows licensed users to create unlimited cloud and desktop flows in attended mode, among other features.

Options for per-bot licensing can be available which cater to unattended robotic process automation (RPA) needs. These plans are distinct from the standard Microsoft Office licenses and are tailored for businesses looking for scalable automation solutions.

It's important for organizations to consider these additional costs when evaluating their automation strategies and the integration of Power Automate into their IT infrastructure.


Top Three Benefits of Microsoft Power Automate:

  1. Increased Efficiency and Time Savings
    Power Automate allows users to create automated workflows between applications and services, which can significantly reduce the time spent on repetitive tasks. By automating these tasks, employees can focus on more strategic and creative work that adds greater value to the business.
  2. Process Optimization and Error Reduction
    With features like Power Automate Process Mining, businesses can identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies within their processes. Automating workflows not only speeds up processes but also reduces the likelihood of human error, leading to more consistent and reliable outcomes.
  3. Scalability and Integration
    Power Automate provides a scalable solution that integrates with a vast ecosystem of apps and services through hundreds of pre-built connectors. This integration capability ensures that automation can grow with the business and adapt to changing needs, connecting disparate systems for a seamless flow of data and processes.



The Transformative Power of Automation

Microsoft Power Automate is a catalyst for change, driving efficiency and innovation in the modern workplace. By automating routine tasks, integrating AI, and enhancing communication systems, Power Automate is not just a tool—it's a strategic asset that propels businesses toward a more agile and intelligent future.



Microsoft's Power Automate