Infographic: Ethernet vs. Cable

    The ads tout Cable as a viable business Internet service. A closer look, however, may reveal otherwise. With Cable, bandwidth is shared, and that sharing can cause speeds to fluctuate and your connection to slow. Most Cable providers lack uptime guarantees and built-in network security, potentially putting customers at risk of lost business and data breach.

    Although Cable services are appropriate for some situations, the advent of widely available Asymmetrical Business Ethernet provides a compelling and affordable alternative. Check out our comparative infographic to see how these two broadband services stack up.

    Ethernet Vs Cable Infographic

    Created by Fusion Connect Broadband Service Providers



    Transcript of Image:

    Ethernet vs Cable

    Cable and Asymmetrical Ethernet access are similar in terms of delivering low-cost bandwidth, but Asymmetrical Business Ethernet offers several distinct business-class advantages over cable. Take a look.


    Asymmetrical Ethernet:
    Business-class, high-performance asymmetrical Internet access with dedicated bandwidth

    Predominantly residential, asymmetrical Internet access with shared bandwidth


    Dedicated circuit with optimized bandwidth to each site

    Shared bandwidth that may result in slow or ineffective service

    Application Support:

    Engineered to support Quality of Service (Q0S) for voice and video

    Best-effort support


    Business-class Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and Business-class platform

    Designed for residential service


    Nationwide, business-class IP network infrastructure

    Regional, residential-class

    Service Level Agreements:

    Business-class uptime guarantees

    Best effort service

    Service Site Prequalification:

    Reliable site qualification based on actual business address

    Service availability based on zip code estimation

    Fusion’s Asymmetrical Business Ethernet service is ideal for businesses with locations or remote users that have greater downstream than upstream bandwidth demands. It provides low-cost connectivity options to meet individual bandwidth needs without overspending. And, it is delivered over an infrastructure that is built to meet the highly demanding needs of businesses.

    Ethernet Benefits

    • Affordable
    • Dedicated bandwidth
    • Uses existing infrastructure
    • Business-class SLAs
    • Business-class platform
    • Engineered for QoS
    • Reliable site prequalification
    • Nationwide availability

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