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    Home / Accelerate Blog / Posts about Cloud Services (4)

    Streamline Communication in Business

    Communications in the workplace seems to grow more complicated every year.

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    Broadband, Voice, Cloud Services, Remote Access, Information, Communications, Managed Services

    Five 9s Availability: What Does It Mean?

    Cloud availability is often measured in nines. Low-level services may offer two nines (99 percent)...

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    Cloud Services, Communications, Service

    Is Your Phone and UC Provider Being Acquired? What You Should Know.

    Mergers and acquisitions happen – it seems every other day – in the telecom industry. If your...

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    Voice, Cloud Services, Customer & Operations

    Fusion Connect's MPLS and SD-WAN Come Together to Fuel Cloud Communications

    The rise of cloud communications creates the opportunity for MPLS solutions to become more valuable...

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    Private Networking, Security, Cloud Services

    4 Trends That Are Shaping Cloud Solutions for Business

    According to IDG, 60% of companies plan to run all of their IT systems in the cloud by 2018.

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    Cloud Services, Remote Access

    SD-WAN With Options: On-Net vs Over-the-Top

    Most software-defined WAN providers only offer over-the-top solutions. These SD-WANs operate over...

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    Broadband, Cloud Services

    10 Reasons Companies are Moving Communications to the Cloud

    Cloud communications services are today’s mainstream alternative to on-premises phone systems. Here...

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    Cloud Services

    What Are the Advantages of Using Dedicated Internet Access?

    Thanks to cloud computing, many system administrators rarely see the physical servers they use to...

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    Cloud Services, Connectivity, Service

    Is Your Office Ready for the Future?

    When you’re working with your team, even across a range of locations, what’s most important is a...

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    Cloud Services, Remote Access