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    Home / Accelerate Blog / Posts about Security (8)

    Customer Advisory:  Heartbleed Bug

    As you may already be aware, security researchers recently announced a security flaw in OpenSSL,...

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    Security, Customer & Operations

    The Benefits of Unified Threat Management and Managed Security Services

    Businesses are rapidly moving IT infrastructures toward an integrated security solution in order to...

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    Private Networking, Security

    The Advantages of Outsourcing Network Services to a Managed Service Provider (MSP)

    Telecom is changing. The marketplace is seeing a major shift in the way that businesses are...

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    Security, Cloud Services

    Top 5 Technology Concerns for Retailers

    Let’s take Mobility, Customer Loyalty, Social Media, and Business Intelligence and show you how...

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    Private Networking, Security, Restaurants and Retailers

    How IT Fuels Collaborative Business Success

    (This is Part 2 of a two-part blog on collaborative technologies/communications.)

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    Private Networking, Security, Cloud Services

    Communications Tools Drive Business Collaboration

    (This is Part 1 of a two-part blog on collaborative technologies/communications.)

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    Private Networking, Security, Cloud Services

    Critical Security Considerations When Moving to the Cloud

    Cloud computing is rapidly becoming a seemingly omnipresent practice, and for good reason.

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    Broadband, Security, Cloud Services

    SSL VPN Best Practices

    VPN is one of those acronyms that gets tossed around quite often, and increasingly so in the...

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    Private Networking, Security, Cloud Services, Remote Access

    Rounding Up a Winning Strategy for Your Mobile Workforce

    I'm the perfect example of a mobile generation professional. I live on a 20-acre ranch in Clements,...

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    Private Networking, Security