MegaPath Archive: Voice Learning Center

    Note: These archived support documents are for legacy MegaPath Hosted Voice and MegaPath One services purchased before June 14, 2019.

    How to Configure Hunt Groups

    Hunt Group is a service that allows multiple Users or agents to answer incoming calls from a single line.

    Note: Only an Administrator with Fusion Connect Client Portal administrative permissions will be able to access the Hunt Group configuration.

    There are two options for modifying your Hunt Group: first from the Dashboard (high level configuration), and second from the Group Services tab (detailed configuration).

    Follow these steps to modify a Hunt Group:

    1. Log in to the Client Portal
    2. Select Voice under Services
    3. Click Manage Now (Voice Administration)
    4. In the Group dropdown, select the Group (grp_) that you wish to modify
    5. On the Dashboard, click the Hunt Group you wish to modify
    6. Click Settings
    7. Modify settings as you wish
    8. Click Save


    From the Dashboard you can configure:


    • Group Policy
    • No Answer Settings
    • Add/Remove Assigned Users (and move them up or down in the queue)


    • Change Name
    • CLID First & Last Name

    If the configuration you need to modify is not on the Settings page, click Detailed Services link at the bottom of the page, or click the Group Services tab.

    Group Services

    • Profile Information
    • Group Policy
    • No Answer Settings
    • Add/Remove Assigned Users (and move them up or down in the queue)
    • Call Policies

    Download File
