MegaPath Archive: Voice Learning Center

    Note: These archived support documents are for legacy MegaPath Hosted Voice and MegaPath One services purchased before June 14, 2019.

    How to Configure Instant Group Call

    Instant Group Calls allows the Customer Administrator to configure up to 20 distinct telephone numbers that will be automatically dialed by the system and added to an instant conference call every time a User calls the associated telephone number. Valid telephone numbers include internal extensions as well as all domestic, 10-digit telephone numbers.

    Instant Group Call may be used in conjunction with Push To Talk (PTT) to simulate an internal paging solution. PTT is a feature available for all calling plans with the exception of Common Lines and Shared Lines.

    1. Log in to the Client Portal
    2. Click Voice in the Services box on the home page
    3. Click Manage Now in the Voice Administration box (a new tab will open)
    4. Under the Group dropdown, select the (grp_) Group
    5. Selet the Group Services tab
    6. Click Instant Group Call (left navigation link)
    7. Select the Instant Group Call you wish to configure from the dropdown
    8. Configure as desired on the Profile page
    9. Click Save when finished

    Profile Page

    Calling Line ID Last/First Name: The name that appears when an Instant Group Call is received.This feature helps the user identify whether or not they are receiving a direct dial or a call form the Instant Call Group.

    Enable Max Call Time for Unanswered Calls: Incoming calls into the Instant Group Call will terminate after XXX number of minutes.

    Instant Group Call User List: Add phone numbers to the Instant Group Call User List.

    Phone Number / SIP-URI: The full 10-digit number of the user that needs to be in the Instant Group Call. Important: Must be entered as the full 10-digit number in the following format: 2065573345 - no characters, spacing, or extensions allowed.


    • Limit to 20 numbers per Instant Group Call
    • 100k bandwidth utilization per number in the group. You must have a circuit that can sustain concurrent call ratio.
    • Numbers may be a mixture of on-net and off-net
    • If paired with Push To Talk, the Administrator must configure PTT for each user that is in the Instant Group Call.
    • If any numbers in the group go unanswered, the user who dialed the Instant Group Call will forward to the separate voicemail boxes either all at once or at different times
    • Best configured with on-net numbers that have "Number of rings before greeting" synchronized.
    • Instant Group Call is an optional value-add feature that has an additional monthly cost. This feature must be ordered before it is available within the Client Portal for configuring. To add this feature, contact your sales representative or our support team.