MegaPath Archive: Voice Learning Center

    Note: These archived support documents are for legacy MegaPath Hosted Voice and MegaPath One services purchased before June 14, 2019.

    How to Manage a User Profile

    A User Profile page contains important information and configurations that can be managed by the Administrator. These include: User Information, E911 Address, Reset Voice Manager Password, Call Policies, Time Schedules, Holiday Schedules, View Group Time Schedules, and Services Assigned to a User.

    To get started:

    1. Log in to the Client Portal
    2. Select Voice under Services
    3. Select Manage Now
    4. From the Group dropdown, select the site that the User belongs to
    5. Click the Manage Users tab to display a list of all Users
    6. Select the User from the dropdown

    Now on the User's Profile page, can make make changes to information, described below.

    User Information

    The following fields can be modified:

    • Last Name
    • First Name
    • Calling Line ID Last Name
    • Calling LIne ID First Name
    • Department (if set up, departments appear in the dropdown list)
    • Time Zone
    • Additional Info: Title, Pager, Email, Location, Mobile, YahooID

    E911 Address

    If you have offsite employees, you will need to update their e911 address to their physical address. Fill in the required fields. Click Validate to verify the address against the 911 database. Select the appropriate address based on returned results. You can also select to override the address validation. When finished with your changes, select Save.

    Reset Voice Manager Password

    To reset a User's Voice Manager Password, click Generator to create a new password. Re-type the password. Click Save. Alternatively, you can reset the Voice Manager password from the Dashboard by clicking on the User's Name.

    Call Policies

    You can view or modify the User's Call Policies. Two settings are available:

    • Connected Line Identification Privacy on Redirected Calls
    • Send Call Being Forwarded Response on Redirected Calls

    Time Schedule

    Time Schedules can be created for users, and are designed for personal services like Call Forwarding Selective, Selective Call Rejection, Priority Alert, Simultaneous Ring Personal, and more.

    To create a new Time Schedule, click Add New Schedule. A new Time Schedule tab will open. Name the Schedule. Fill out the Schedule by clicking the start time and dragging to the end time. Click Save. As long as the Time Schedule is in draft mode, you will see an exclamation point next to the Schedule Name.

    Edit Time Schedules by choosing a schedule from list. Once open, delete daily schedules by clicking the red "x" at the end of the row. You can also rename or delete a Time Schedule.

    Holiday Schedule

    Holiday Schedules can be created for users, and are designs for personal services like Call Forwarding Selective, Selective Call Rejection, Priority Alert, Simultaneous Ring Personal, and more.

    To add a new Holiday Schedule, click Add Holiday Schedule. Name the schedule and use the dropdowns to create individual holiday schedules. To create a new schedule, fill out: name, start time, end time, and recurrence. Click Save when finished.

    Device Information

    Find information on the User's device: Name, Type, Category, Line/Port, and MAC Address.

    Phone Number / Extension

    Lines on the Device

    • Line/Port
    • Endpoint Type
    • Last Name
    • First Name
    • Phone Number
    • Registration (yes/no)

    Group Time Schedules

    View Group Time Schedules, if created.

    Assigned Services

    View a list of the User's assigned services.