FusionWorks & UC One Materials

    Below are training guides and support materials for your FusionWorks and UC One service purchased on or after June 14, 2019. For more help, please contact Fusion Support.

    Download & Install

    Note: Older versions of FusionWorks UC One must be manually un-installed prior to installation.

    FusionWorks UC One for Windows

    FusionWorks UC One for Mac

    FusionWorks UC One for Phone/Tablet

    Helpful Resources

    Instructional Videos

    FusionWorks UC One Basics v22.9

    Familiarize yourself with the features of our FusionWorks UC One application (formerly MegaPath One), by viewing these short instructional videos.

    Basic Settings

    Popular Features


    FusionWorks UC One Basics v22.7


    Basic Settings

    Popular Features

    How-to Configuration Videos

    Voice Admins: Re-configure a Phone for Remote Work

    This short instructional video will walk you through how to re-configure your employee’s phone for remote work.